By implementing a bottom-up approach, we aim to facilitate and support the under-privileged people with poor eye sight and hearing in accessing quality health care. The project targets to serve all men and women of all ages with a special focus on school children.
« Let’s be extraordinary together rather than ordinary separately. »
why rwanda ?
Rwanda has signed the VISION 2020 and 2025 initiatives with the goal of ending the blindness that could have been treated.
These programs provide for the Ministry of Health to establish partnerships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and private providers to inform on the weight of visual impairment, particularly in terms of first aid.
The Fondation Héron wishes to be part of the Rwandan modernity by participating in the programs developed by Rwanda to achieve its objectives. We propose to assess the needs in terms of hearing and vision, to offer various types of equipment, and to help train specialists.
our first three missions at kibungo
2018 - 2019
The Fondation Héron enabled many people from isolated and disadvantaged villages to benefit from consultations, visual and auditory checks, as well as personalized equipment such as glasses and hearing aids. Surgeries were performed by professionals and volunteers.
Train and support
2020 - 2021
During the pandemic, the Foundation was able to engage with the local population in order to support them. Two Rwandan experts were trained thanks to the Foundation, during the Assises des Nice and then other ophthalmologists also during the November 2019 mission.
the heron house
2021 - 2022
To achieve its objectives, the Fondation Héron is taking a long-term approach by building a vision and hearing reference point in Rwanda. The Héron House will thus allow a real continuity of missions carried out over time and will contribute, on a daily basis, to the improvement of the living conditions of Rwandans. In parallel, the Foundation will continue to train and to exchange with Rwandan specialists.
our experts
Without their experience, the Fondation Héron would not be what it is. Every mission of the Foundation is unique, every support is essential, every partnership helps to restore hope and create more humanity.
Discover the feelings of our experts in the field during the missions already carried out and see how you can engage yourself.